After the “Open Internet Order” was thrown out earlier this year, the FCC announced a new proposal for enforcing net neutrality. While it still maintains that ISPs cannot discriminate against content, they can “enter into individual negotiations with content providers” to prioritize service, so long as the ISP acts in a “commercially reasonable manner.”

In other words, if passed, an ISP could give preferential treatment to content from companies that agree to pay extra.

It’s finally starting to feel like spring, which is great news for Socket’s Softball team – it’s hard to get in the spirit when the temperature’s in the low 50s!

The team will be playing on Rainbow Field in Columbia most Friday nights, as part of Columbia’s Adult Coed Softball League. If you’re looking for something to do with the family on Friday nights, come check it out!

As the Internet continues to grow and expand, the need for more bandwidth is also on the rise.

Online video is a key reason for this growth, particularly services like Netflix, Hulu and Youtube. As availability and demand for these services and other online videos increases, Internet users will need more bandwidth to keep up.