Fiber Huts Explained

If you've been monitoring progress on our rural fiber broadband fiber network, you might have noticed our emphasis on getting "fiber huts" up and running.
So why do we need to build these first?
Fiber Internet works by sending laser light signals over ultra-thin glass fibers to transfer data.
This offers faster data transfer and less latency than cable or DSL lines that require electric signals to transfer data.
Our central office in Columbia houses most of the components necessary to deliver fiber services, while our fiber huts in Fulton and Millersburg act as transfer stations which allow us to relay light signals to each of the individual homes and businesses on our network.
Just like battery back-up systems for homes, the fiber huts are prepared for power failures with extensive back-up systems and emergency generators to ensure that our customers maintain Internet and phone service (provided they have a hard wired phone & battery back-up for their home)
For more information, view our video explaining our fiber huts here: