Socket Fiber Story: Jessica Lairmore

Taking classes while raising a family is no easy task. Just ask Jessica Lairmore of Millersburg. She began taking online classes from Moberly Area Community College in January 2012 and now takes business courses online from Columbia College.
When she first started out, she used a cellular data plan to access course materials and videos online, take tests and submit assignments.
“It took hours to download things for class, so I’d have to build that into my schedule,” says Jessica. “I’d get booted offline in the middle of a test and would have to explain to my professors what was going on.”
Luckily, Jessica’s Internet connection is now accelerating her online learning rather than holding her back. Last August, she signed up for high-speed fiber Internet from Socket. She’d heard about the new technology and even knew a couple of relatives who’d signed up. In September, the service was installed to her home.
“The installation went really well and the yard looked great. You could hardly tell anything had been done.”
The 10 Mbps fiber connection is considerably faster and more reliable than Jessica’s previous Internet service. It’s also great for her kids, who like to use the computer to play games and do homework.
“It’s all been so easy. We’re always able to get right in,” she says. “Nothing ever freezes up. Everything is instant.”
But best of all, Jessica has been able to expand her learning using online tools and resources.
“I can do more than the bare minimum now,” Jessica says. “If something interests me, I can look at other websites or check out videos on the subject. It’s made a huge difference in what I can learn.”
Learning more, expanding horizons and spending less time on slow Internet? We think fiber deserves an A+ for that!