Hosted PBX is a telephone system that offers the benefits of a traditional phone system, but is available over a cloud. Traditional phone systems are connected to a standard phone line, which rely on copper wiring all throughout the building.
Hosted PBX is a telephone system that offers the benefits of a traditional phone system, but is available over a cloud. Traditional phone systems are connected to a standard phone line, which rely on copper wiring all throughout the building.
Most of us have adapted to this new way of life, however it is extremely important to stay connected with others when working from home. It can be easy to forget to stay in touch with friends, family members, and even coworkers during social distancing. At Socket we are doing things like virtual spirit week and beer Fridays through Zoom to stay in touch!
COVID-19 pandemic has quickly changed the lives of people all over the World, forcing most people to adjust to a new normal. The trend of working from home has quickly become the norm for millions of people in the US.