Congratulations to Taran Taylor, Business Center Analyst, on being named Socket’s You-Make-The-Difference Winner for June!
Taran had just moved to Columbia to help support his fiancé, Megan, through veterinary school when he came across a job posting for Socket. He had been looking for a way to get into the technical support field, so he decided to apply for the residential customer support position in hopes of getting into technical support in the future. Just over two years later, he’s made his way to our technical support team in the Business Center.
As a Business Center Analyst, he works with his team to ensure our business customers maintain a good connection to the internet. He troubleshoots any issues they may be having – everything from Fax to WiFi and the “nitty gritty” of the internet.
Multiple coworkers that nominated Taran had nothing but great things to say:
“Taran is the epitome of what defines Socket. He has been helpful and reliable to his core and has gone out of his way to help anyone in over their head.”
“Taran leaves no stone unturned when trouble shooting issues.”
“He’s the best. What more is there to say?”
Outside of work Taran enjoys playing video games, Dungeons and Dragons with his fiancé and long-distance friends and family, as well as building his coding skills so he can eventually begin to program things. He also enjoys playing the “Magic The Gathering” card game with some friends and coworkers as well as playing Warhammer 40K (a tabletop war game) when he gets his friends together. He has two cats Iroh, a Maine Coon mix, and Pyrrha, a Domestic Shorthair. He and Megan will set a date to get married once she finishes veterinarian school!
Taran appreciates the learning opportunities that Socket has provided for him. “I love that there is always something new to learn and Socket is always promoting from within, allowing you to learn that much more and not be stagnate.” He says he’s learned more than he ever could have hoped from his coworkers, and he looks forward to learning even more about the internals of Socket’s network. Congrats, Taran!