Socket is continuously expanding! Our goal has always been to bring a stable connection to as many people as we can. We work hard to keep you up-to-date on where we are in the process. In the name of information, let’s walk through the things you can expect when your neighborhood is transitioning into a Fiberhood.
Neighbors Express Interest
The first step in the Fiberhood process is expressing interest. You and enough of your neighbors have to tell us you’re interested in our service for your area. The more people interested, the more likely we are to bring Socket to you.
Neighborhoods Get Reviewed
As people sign up, the neighborhood gets reviewed, and we evaluate three things: distance from our existing mainline fiber, density of the area, and interest level. If we determine that the neighborhood hits all our benchmarks, then we’re good to go!
Congrats! Approved!
Once the neighborhood gets approved, we’ll send out a postcard detailing the next few steps and what you should expect to see. Meanwhile, we’ll secure the necessary permits to complete utility work in your area.
Locate Flags and Contract Signs
This is one of the most important steps to the Fiberhood process.
First, we call 811 Dig to get the utilities in the area marked by washable spray paint of flags. For your safety, and the safety of the neighborhood, DO NOT remove these. We use them to plan fiber duct installation around the preexisting utilities and avoid accidents or loss of power.
Small contractor signs will appear with the locates. You can find our contractor’s contact information on the signs in case you have any general construction questions.
Mainline Construction
Once the locates are completed, our contractors will begin installing our main fiber line. This line can be installed aerially or underground, depending on the status of the utility poles. We will always install aerially if the utility pole is within regulation. If not, regular underground construction will proceed.
If we do proceed with underground construction, expect to see our contractors working diligently to carefully excavate and bury the line. You may see different heavy machinery, like directional bores and excavators.
Fiber Construction Fully Starts
Once mainline construction is over, our contractors will work to install fiber vaults within the easements and right of ways. These vaults are important and ensure that any service technicians that come to the property can have enough cable to work with. When construction is nearing completion, we'll send you another postcard detailing the next steps.
NOTE: Homeowners are often surprised by how large utility easements and right of ways are. They often extend up to 15 feet into the yard from the road. Our contactors are experts and understand the importance of staying within the proper boundaries. As such, they work to avoid disturbing more land than is necessary.
Service Orders and Installations
Once you get the final postcard, you’re free to begin ordering service! Call 1-800-SOCKET-3 to schedule an appointment for installation. During the appointment, one of our amazing service technicians will come to your home to install equipment and get you fully connected.
Voila! You’re now connected to the world through our unusually fast fiber internet! Take some time to celebrate with a movie night or invite your friends over to watch the latest game – uninterrupted!
Though the process may be lengthy, the outcome is worth it. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at 1-800-SOCKET-3. Our unusually great customer service folks would be more than happy to help you.