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If you’re having any problems with your PC, we always encourage you to call our local, friendly tech support. But if unfamiliar tech support calls you instead, it should set off warning bells!

On October 3rd, the FTC announced it would be launching an international crackdown on tech support scams. While the problem may originate overseas, it can have some real local repercussions.

“Spoofing” refers to the act of imitating or masquerading as a trustworthy source. Spammers and scammers often use some form of this technique in order to gain personal information from unsuspecting victims. Here’s a few ways a scammer can implement this...

Occasionally, we get reports from our users that they’ve received suspicious emails… from us!

These “official emails” usually notify recipients that their accounts have been suspended, and that they need to click a certain link to reinstate it. These messages are not from Socket! But by spoofing actual notifications we’ve sent in the past, spammers can make their traps look pretty convincing.