Wired or Wireless? It's a common question. Which is better for you?
When considering wireless access, take into account what you are looking for in making the switch. Do you have mobile devices that will need constant access to a wireless network? Do you have one main desktop or multiple laptops and internet-ready devices? Where is your internet connection and is that where you want to use the internet?
We're now accepting fiber orders and pre-orders in even more parts of Callaway County! Not only that, but until July 15th, if you refer a friend, you get $50 referral credit and your friend gets $25!
Check out our recently updated project map for updates on construction and order dates. We’re now taking orders in the city of Fulton
Tia Stratman, Marketing Specialist, is spending her last day of five years at Socket today. But she tells the story in a much more exciting way. Good luck, Tia! We will miss you!