A true office superhero, Jason Vander Veen was named June’s You-Make-the-Difference winner for always doing his best to keep things running smoothly.

Officially, he’s Tech Support Supervisor and Service Delivery Coordinator. Unofficially, he says his job description was a blank page with a line for a signature.

Jason helps to maintain sanity around the office by doing everything from resolving customer issues to helping with the more difficult technical problems. Currently, he’s helping businesses get set up with our Hosted PBX service.

It’s something that many writers used to abhor, and now adore. Essentially, it’s a hosted website where visitors see a stream of regularly updated posts authored by you, the owner/user of the blog.

This includes pictures, essays, one liners, links, and whatever the site’s owner desires. 

The Fulton Street Fair was this past weekend, June 21-22, and Socket was there demoing our fiber broadband and getting to know the people of Fulton!

We had demonstrations in our booth with Netflix streaming, a few iPads for people to come by and play with, as well as a phone charging station for when devices got low. For visitors who were as impressed as we were with fiber, and just had to sign up, we gave them a free “Got Fiber?” T-shirt!