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Socket Brand Guideline and Logo Use Policy

Socket logos may be used, with permission, for marketing or other publicity materials. Please review this policy before any logo usage:

The provided logos are the sole and exclusive properly of Socket Telecom, LLC. Your use of any logo implies acceptance of, and agreement with, the terms of this policy and the stated brand guidelines. You must follow the rules below as well as the information on the Socket Brand Style Guide (download, below).

Rules for using our logos:

  • Logos may only be used in marketing or other publicity materials for the benefit of Socket, with our permission. 
  • No logo may be used in any way that suggests that Socket is affiliated with, sponsors, approves or endorses you, your organization, your websites, your products or your services, unless such a relationship exists.
  • Vendors may not use the logos to advertise Socket as clients on vendor websites and promotional pieces without our written permission.

All Socket logos are distinctive, designed pieces of graphic artwork. The following usage guidelines must be followed:

  • Do not modify or alter, or add effects to the logos
  • Do not change scale, skew or rotate the logo
  • Do not change the design or colors of the logo
  • Do not shrink any logo to less than 1" in height
  • Do not combine a logo with any other design, trademark, text or other element, including your name


Socket Brand Style Guide - PDF
Socket Logo - 300ppi (JPG)
Socket Logo - 72dpi (JPG)
Socket Logo - Transparent Background (PNG)

Additional logo variations can be found here.

If you have any questions on format or usage, please contact the Socket Marketing Department: marketing@socket.net or 1-800-SOCKET-3.