Industry: Healthcare
Socket Services: Dedicated Internet
Location: Sedalia, Missouri
Website: https://www.brhc.org/
Bothwell Regional Health Center
Security and Reliability
A growing concern for hospitals is not only the need for greater security in their online systems, but also the need for consistent reliability from their service providers. Bothwell Regional Health Center includes a hospital, emergency department, and 26 clinics located in both Pettis and Benton counties in west central Missouri. More than 284,000 patient visits are recorded each year. Bothwell Regional Health Center began expanding rapidly and decided to start looking for a solution that would provide them safe and secure internet. After their search through various providers, they struck a deal with Socket to set up a dedicated service to their main hospital and their surrounding clinics.
A Dedicated Connection
Socket was able to set up a secure fiber connection to link the new clinics to the main hospital server in Sedalia. Since the switch to Socket fiber, Bothwell has experienced few interruptions in their connection. In addition, employees feel their internet is safer using Socket fiber.
“I rest better knowing that we have you guys as a partner,” said Tom Fairfax, Director of IT.
Bothwell uses internet for a number of practices in the hospital. Everything from sending emails to conducting MRIs and ultrasounds is done using the Socket internet connection making reliability extremely important not just for the hospital staff, but for the patients they serve as well.
Great Communication and a Quick Turnaround
In the instance that something happens to the connection, the employees at Bothwell look to make sure a solution is on the way. Fairfax knows that if something goes wrong, he can contact his business sales representative at Socket and he’ll get a quick response.
“As far as a working relationship, we couldn’t have asked for anything better,” Fairfax said. He recalled a time when another company accidentally sliced the fiber connection while digging in the area. Socket was able to locate the issue and had the connection fixed in just four hours. Fairfax called this quick turnaround “a small miracle.”
Socket has been happy to provide dedicated high speed internet and quality service to Bothwell Regional Health Center.