2016 Rootin' Tootin' Chili Cookoff!


Chili Cookoff 2016


Socket participated in the 2016 Rootin’ Tootin’ Chili Cookoff on Saturday, February 27th at the Holiday Inn Executive Center. This year, we had a group of seven employees represent Socket and cook up some delicious chili!
With over 50 companies participating and 2,000 hungry chili eaters, the event exceeded its $85,000 goal and raised over $100,000 for the Boys and Girls Club of Columbia! A record-breaking year for the Chili Cookoff!
Socket loves to participate in charity events like this, because it is fun for everyone involved! It is also a unique opportunity to raise money for a great cause. The Boys and Girls Club helps at-risk youths achieve a healthy lifestyle and academic success after school and during the summer. It costs the club about $2,500 yearly to serve one child, but the club only charges the parents $20 per semester. Events like the Chili Cookoff support the club and instill a positive mindset into each and every club member!

If you would like to learn more about The Boys and Girls Club of Columbia, visit http://www.bgc-columbia.org.