2016 Rootin' Tootin' Chili Cookoff!

Socket participated in the 2016 Rootin’ Tootin’ Chili Cookoff on Saturday, February 27th at the Holiday Inn Executive Center. This year, we had a group of seven employees represent Socket and cook up some delicious chili!
With over 50 companies participating and 2,000 hungry chili eaters, the event exceeded its $85,000 goal and raised over $100,000 for the Boys and Girls Club of Columbia! A record-breaking year for the Chili Cookoff!
Socket loves to participate in charity events like this, because it is fun for everyone involved! It is also a unique opportunity to raise money for a great cause. The Boys and Girls Club helps at-risk youths achieve a healthy lifestyle and academic success after school and during the summer. It costs the club about $2,500 yearly to serve one child, but the club only charges the parents $20 per semester. Events like the Chili Cookoff support the club and instill a positive mindset into each and every club member!
If you would like to learn more about The Boys and Girls Club of Columbia, visit http://www.bgc-columbia.org.