Como Cyclo Cross Training Series At Socket


Como Cyclo Cross


Starting on September 4th, on Tuesday nights there will be a Cyclo Cross Training series hosted on Socket's campus starting at 6 p.m.

Cyclo Cross is a form of bike racing on short courses that requires the rider to quickly dismount their bicycle to navigate obstructions like a steep muddy hill, and then quickly remount the cycle to continue the race. 

The series will consist of two 20-minute races each night which will all be open category. Each event will have a $5 entry fee and require a USAC license. 

Prizes will be awarded nightly and points will be kept throughout the season for prizes awarded at the end of the series. 

This series is sponsored by Socket along with the following sponsors:

Big Tree Cycling
Walt's Bike Shop
Columbia Bike Club
Klunk Cycles
Try Athletics
Big Shark

Check back with our blog for photos and updates on the series!

For more information, visit the Como Cyclo Cross Website