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We've expanded our Phone + Internet bundles and Naked DSL Internet to more Jefferson City neighborhoods. Check out the updated coverage map.

We're excited to bring our flat-rate, honest pricing to more Jefferson City residents and businesses.

Still on dial-up?

If so, you know how incredibly frustrating it can be to browse today's high-powered, multimedia-filled websites. Even a good dial-up connection can't support much of the Flash animation, Java script or large video and image files on popular sites.

With the April deadline approaching quickly, many Missourians are thinking about filing taxes. Taxpayers can be at ease, however, because the Internal Revenue Service offers a convenient e-filing option.

According to the IRS, filing income taxes online results in faster refunds, greater accuracy and quicker confirmation, giving taxpayers assurance during a usually stressful time. Other benefits include secure and confidential submission, a “file now, pay later” option, 24/7 access, and the ability to confidentially save tax information for next year. Because of these benefits, the popularity of e-filing is increasing dramatically.