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It's always busy here in Tech Support after a spring thunderstorm strikes.

Storm-damaged computer equipment is more common than you probably think. Probably because a modem (and our other computer equipment) is one of the last things we think to protect in the event of inclement weather.

But it's not too difficult to avoid the hassle of replacing your modem--or, even worse, the cost of replacing your entire computer system.

So you’re already on Facebook and find yourself spending hours looking at countless photos, reading status updates and engaging in poking wars.

You’re thinking, “I don’t need something else to suck away the little free time I do have.” After all, could you really show your face again if you surrendered the poking war? 

Pinterest may not be the time-waster you think. Here are some practical tips on how to make the social media site work for you.

Online retailers could soon be preparing for potential changes in the way they do business, most notably the expansion of sales tax to more online purchases.