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As technology develops and communication becomes more rapid, customers are demanding immediate answers to questions and requests. Reliable telephone services are crucial to meeting expectations.

Expect and plan for outages.

Despite the best efforts of a business and its telecom provider, problems do arise. Phone system maintenance, moving an office, a power failure or inclement weather can all disrupt telephone service.

A string of recent suicides and other tragedies across the nation has parents and experts concerned about the devastating impact of cyberbullying on our kids.

A study by the National Crime Prevention Council found that 43 percent of teens were bullied online in 2009. Technology such as e-mail, text messages and social networking sites make it easier than ever for children to intimidate their peers without actually coming face-to-face with them.

Learn whether new or traditional technology is a better fit.

Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) can help connect offices and reduce costs, but it’s not for every business. Take a look at these scenarios to determine when traditional phone service or VoIP might be a better fit.