Socket Participates In 2016 Polar Plunge

The 2016 Polar Plunge took place Saturday, February 20th at Bass Pro Lake, where there were five employee participants representing Socket.
Our brave group was expecting to take a dive into frigid waters, but unlike previous years it was warm and sunny with a completely thawed lake. To stand out from the other participating groups the Socket employees wore tropical themed costumes, which was a perfect fit for the weather. They were equipped with flower leis, hula skirts, and tropical masks as they took the plunge together to represent our company and support a great cause!
Socket is a proud sponsor of the Missouri Polar Plunge, which is a unique opportunity to raise money for Special Olympic athletes. All together there were 265 participants and $50,100 in donations.
Special Olympics transforms lives through the joy of sport, everyday, everywhere. They are the world's largest sports organization with nearly 16,500 athletes in Missouri alone.

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