Fall Adopt-A-Spot Cleanup 2015


Nine men in fluorescent vests stand in front of Clark lane with orange trash bags


Clark Lane always looks beautiful in fall colors. And now that we’ve done a little cleaning, it looks a whole lot better.

As part of the Adopt-a-Spot program, nearly a dozen Socketeers went out to pick up some of the wayside trash littering the areas between Paris Rd and the 63/70 interchange. All told, they brought back over 20 bags full of garbage!
The weather lately has been nearly perfect – and it’s important to collect as much trash as possible before nasty winter weather makes it difficult or unsafe. If you’re interested in getting involved, the City of Columbia has a variety of spots around town that could use some love. You can visit the city’s website for more information on the Adopt-a-Spot program, or email volunteer@gocolumbiamo.com.