Meet Kevin Gandara, Customer Service & Sales Supervisor
Every month, the employees of Socket nominate and vote on a co-worker who best exemplifies our Core Values and Beliefs.
This month, we picked Kevin Gandara, customer service & sales supervisor.
You know those nice, friendly Socket reps you talk to when you pay your bill or make changes to your services? Kevin helps us find and train them. And makes sure the department is running smoothly.
He’s originally from New York City, but he’s been exploring Missouri since he moved to Columbia last year. He especially likes bike rides and trips to the zoo or park with his family.
"Kevin has really stepped up in customer service & sales," said a co-worker who nominated him for the award. "He has not stopped striving for excellence."
And since we don’t disqualify Yankees fans, we agreed to give him the honors this month.
Congratulations, Kevin!
Read about other You-Make-the-Difference-Award winners.