Fractional T1


fractional T1 from Socket offers your business a dedicated connection—at a fraction of the price.

The speed and reliability of a dedicated T1 line don’t require the investment of a full T1. Instead, choose to active between 1-24 channels, each carrying 64 kbps of voice or data traffic.

Turn up channels as you need them, so it's scalable for future growth.

A fractional T1 could be a good solution for businesses that upload large files or must transfer large amounts of secure data.

Plus, it's more reliable than a DSL or cable connection, so you’ll experience fewer lags and outages.

Get a quote.

How a fractional T1 from Socket can help your business:

  • Improve speeds. If your bandwidth needs are on the rise, opt for a higher-speed connection without investing in a full T1.
  • Plan for future growth. Turn up additional channels as your connection needs increase.
  • Enhance reliability. Since a T1 is a dedicated connection exclusively for your business, connection performance will improve.
  • Save money. Invest only in the upgrades you need, rather than investing in a full T1 and only using part of it.

Give us a call at 1-800-762-5383. Our friendly business reps will take a fresh look at your network and help determine the right solution for your business.

Or, request a quick, easy quote.