Socket Helps Joplin


United for Joplin

As soon as the tornado disaster in Joplin made headline news last Sunday, May 22, Socket employees quickly came together to do all they could to help.
Socket organized a tornado relief drop-off, which allowed people from around the area to drop off items such as clothing, toiletries and toys. Also, throughout the week, Socket held several small company fundraising events in order to raise money for Joplin relief. 

At the end of the week, Socket came up with more than $1,200 and was proud to donate this money to United Way Thursday, May 26 during the launch of the "United for Joplin" relief movement. To learn more about this movement click here United for Joplin.
Socket stands with the University of Missouri girls' softball team at the "United for Joplin" kick-off on Thursday, May 26 as a donation check is presented to United Way.