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Socket expands business sales team

Socket, a Missouri-based telephone and internet service provider, is proud to announce the addition of Jackie Marcink to its business sales team.

Marcink will work with Socket’s business clients across the state to provide high-speed internet, local telephone and other telecommunications services.

Prior to joining Socket, Marcink worked in sales and inventory control in Springfield, MO. She holds a bachelor’s degree in management information systems from Columbia College. In addition to her work at Socket, she also consults with small businesses and non-profits on their web presence.

Founded in 1994, Socket is a Missouri-based telephone and internet service provider with the largest service area in the state. Socket is a privately held company that provides families and businesses a choice for local and long-distance phone and internet service. It combines the highest quality customer service with in-depth technical knowledge. Socket’s customers enjoy simple billing and quick, friendly service. For additional information, visit www.socket.net.



Please click here to download a high-resolution photo of Jackie Marcink.

To view all Socket news releases, please visit www.socket.net/press-releases.